I know it has been a while since I last updated, but it was all for a good cause. I just published my first e-book: a short story called “The Piano Book.” The best part is that it is FREE, and it is available on Smashwords.
Since it is an e-book, you can also download it and read it on your Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and all those other neat gadgets that make the world go round 🙂
Note: You do not have to own an e-reader to download this book. You can always download the free apps (see list of e-reader providers below) and download the PDF/ ePub / Mobi or other version to your device.
Amazon – Free Kindle Apps
Kobo – eReading Apps
Barnes and Noble – Free Nook Reading Apps
There is a link to the download page in the side bar, but for your convenience, I am also including it here.
I hope you enjoy reading it!
DOWNLOAD “The Piano Book” for FREE
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My first e-book ‘The Piano Book’ is available on Smashwords for free. Download to your Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, Android, and other devices (including e-readers) for FREE. Enjoy!
Just read it. Oh dear, curiosity kills the cat, they say
Whoa! That was fast. Thanks for reading (and commenting).
Geez girl you are one fast writer! Or should I say talented? More inspiration, more blessing, more power…to you. Amen 😉
Worship and Swag: You need to see me cheesing here. Lol! Thanks for the encouragement and feedback.
I haven’t read it yet :(but I just wanted to say, WELL DONE!
Nwunye: Thanks a lot, ma’am!
Ok, I’ve just read it. I thought it was interesting. Well done again!
Nwunye: Coming from you, that’s a plus 😀 Thanks again for the feedback.
You know , you wrote this great piece from the eye of a young boy. That’s how to score a raw talent. I noticed that pattern after reading Jude Dibia’s Unbridled, male in the eye of female. Stepping out of your skin and envisioning from another individual’s view is a gem of a talent. Way to go Sharon
Tobystic: Thank you for the kind words. Yes, I decided to take a risk and step out of my comfort zone. Glad you appreciate a different perspective.
Nicee!! Always have respect for writers… Maybe it because i Cant write……Hopefully someday I would Write.
Lahnray Orion: I’m glad to hear the ‘respect’ part. I do too. Hopefully when you write, you’ll share your work with us!
I am on page six and I didn’t expect it to be this good. Wow! You’ve got the gift Sharon.! Nigeria needs good stories, and especially scripts for the mostly talentless Nollywood.
Great work Keep it up!
Dan: Chai! See as you just finished Nollywood. But I love Nollywood movies o. How do I reconcile this? Lol! Thanks for the support too.
Nor be true I talk?
Dan: I disagree o. Nollywood has issues but I wouldn’t classify it as a pool of talentless people.
Well. I may have exaggerated a little but I am not too far from the truth. 🙂
Somehow I knew the story would take a different turn before the end. Beautifully written. I couldn’t help thinking that parts of the story had elements of Sharon Salu’s real life experience. Keep writing Sharon. You have a lot to offer your generation.
Dan: Thanks a lot for the encouragement. I am glad you enjoyed the story. As for real life experience, my lips are sealed on that sha. I shall continue writing.
Very interesting story …… keep it up!
Manny: Thanks a lot. I am glad you enjoyed it.