Mar 24, 2015 | Humor, Non-Fiction, Opinion |
I have used a chewing stick once in my life. Just once, as far as I can remember. Who knows what I did before I started teething. We shall not discuss that here. Okay, maybe I will. Not today, sha. But for a small fee, I might be...
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Aug 6, 2014 | Photography |
No, those are not my words. The picture said it. Yes, I’m blaming everything on the picture! 😀 I’m assuming you can hang this in your kitchen. The question is why. *smh* As for me, I choose to eat what’s on the menu. Starving is not an...
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May 30, 2014 | Non-Fiction, Opinion |
When you think of pets, conventional names come to mind: dogs, cats, goldfish, etc. But, people have pet goats too. Yes, goats, those hairy, bleating, delicious animals that I find so fascinating. I have never had to babysit anyone’s pet, but it...
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Oct 7, 2013 | Non-Fiction, Personal |
Last year, while I was deeply engrossed in a piece I was writing, someone pointed out that I had this weird look on my face. Okay, fine, it was not just weird; it was silly. I never forgot it and it made me wonder: how many writers have that funny-silly look on...
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May 28, 2013 | Non-Fiction, Series |
Rarely does a young person quote proverbs in a Nollywood flick. No, that singular honor is reserved for the elderly. Really old people. Okay, maybe not that old. But old enough to use snuff from a snuff box, and drink palm wine. The proverbs are usually told with...
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May 3, 2013 | Fiction, Flash Fiction, Mystery |
“Where are they?” Mama Rita grumbled, casting a suspicious glance at her husband. For all she knew, he could be sitting on them. He sat in an easy chair, reading a newspaper, ignoring her completely. He did not look up from his reading for one second....
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