Disclaimer: I have never written Flash Fiction before, so let’s just see how this goes. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Cake Toppers

Cake Toppers

The entire bridal train had already danced their way into the reception hall. Everyone was waiting for the two people at the center of the celebration: the bride and her groom. As soon as he spotted them, the DJ changed the music and everyone abandoned their idle chatter to focus on the new Mr. & Mrs. They did not disappoint.

They entered the room together, their hands and feet moving to the beat. But they were just warming up.

When the song reached the climax, the bride dropped her hips suddenly so close to the ground, a stranger would have thought she had lost her balance. But it was just a dance move she had perfected over the years. The much-talked about Komole.

The groom responded with a dance move that seemed to be a modern variant of the Komole. Not only did his hips actually touch the ground, his entire frame followed suit, as he lay flat on the ground for a few seconds. His hips were on fire and he made that very clear, moving them to the beat as his wife watched in amusement. The crowd cheered loudly. They were enjoying the performance.

Nobody was watching the wedding cake.

Suddenly, the groom jumped back up to his feet and began a choreographed dance with his wife. The crowd went wild with applause. Nobody noticed, in fact, no one cared that of all the people in the room, the bride and the groom were the most ‘vertically-challenged.’ Both of them were closer to the ground than any of their guests. But it did not matter. Whatever they lacked in height, they made up for in dance moves. And they danced so hard that it was a wonder the floor beneath them did not give way.

Eventually, the dancing stopped, and the MC announced the next item on the agenda. The cutting of the wedding cake.

Walking hand in hand, the groom gently led his bride away towards their three-tiered, elegant, white cake. It stood by itself in a corner of the room, waiting to fulfill its destiny. Everyone agreed that the baker had really outdone herself.

As they got closer to the cake, their eyes rested on the very top tier. That’s when they saw it. The bride gave a gasp of horror, and the groom swore loudly in a strange language. The cake toppers were gone, and the thief had eaten the first slice of cake.


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Sharon Abimbola Salu
Cake Toppers
Nigerian Fiction Writer
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Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu
Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu
Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu