I saw these massive pieces of cutlery (or as they say here, “silverware”) at the Blue and White Restaurant in Tunica. Of course they’re too big to actually eat with, unless you’re Goliath … or just very greedy. *belches*
But, assume for one moment you could pick five dishes to demolish with these babies, what would your list include? Here’s mine (don’t copy mine o!):
- Jollof rice (shoveling massive amounts with that spoon. Or fork)
- Tuwo Shinkafa (rice tuwo) or Tuwo Masara (corn tuwo) (on the day when I want to pretend to be lady-like. Or else, my fingers are just fine) with gbegiri and ewedu
- Goat meat pepper soup (Kai! Imagine all the pieces of goat meat that the spoon could mistakenly scoop up one time!) *bleating sound commences*
- Dodo (a.k.a Fried Plantain with that fork)
- Banga soup with eba
I hope your keyboard is covered in drool. No, I’m not sorry. 😀
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Wow! I love it – novelty size cutlery.
awrestlingwriter: Yay! Glad you love it! Too bad only a giant can actually use them 🙁