I started writing seriously in 2012 (last year), after a very long break. One of the things I quickly discovered, apart from the fact that I love writing stories in my handwriting, is the fact that writing is a very solitary experience.
While the ideas for stories, blog posts or anything else can come while you’re in the middle of a heated debate, conversations, eating, exercising, etc, the process of putting pen to paper (or hands to keyboard) is something you have to do by yourself.
Solitude does not necessarily mean confinement to a quiet place. After all, I do a good bit of writing in public places, which are by no means “quiet,” e.g. coffee shop, book stores, etc.
However, what I am referring to is a sort of mental solitude, where you block out all the external distractions and simply immerse yourself in a story. I think reading can be done the same way. That solitude, I believe, is the writer’s way.
Picture via Flickr
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I couldn’t agree more!
In fact, I was watching a documentary on Creativity, and the proposed theory was that moments of insight occur when the brain shuts down for a fraction of seconds and literally ignores everything around us. Then we can focus inwards and get what we want from out creativity.
That said, I like quiet places too.
Stay well,
Alwayscon (a.k.a Celma): ” … moments of insight occur when the brain shuts down …” That’s amazing. See, I didn’t even know that before writing this post, but it makes sense. Quiet places are good, but I have found that a certain amount of noise helps. Sometimes. I can’t imagine writing at a rock concert though. No way! Thanks for commenting.
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very interesting!
I can jot my ideas anywhere, but when I want to weave them into a story, like you, I require solitude. Personally, I prefer quiet places, but the most important thing is mental solitude. There can be people and noise around me, but I zone out and zone into that place in my brain where stories come alive. As long as I’m not interrupted, I’m fine. Thanks for sharing.
Lively Twist: I like how you described ‘zoning out and zoning in.’ That captures mental solitude perfectly. Glad I’m not the only one who jots down ideas, before they develop wings and fly away. 😀 You’re welcome!