Fine Girl

Fine Girl

It happens all the time. Guy meets girl. Let’s assume she’s a fine girl. We don’t really care if the guy is fine because he is going to get lost in a few minutes. Just wait.

Our friend starts pestering fine girl for her number and/or address, and boy! Is he persistent! As a sharp Lagos girl, she knows better than to give out her real address. So, she gives him a fake one. He does not know it at the time. Here’s a possible list of fake addresses:

  • No. 10 Mawamiwale Street, Ikorodu, Lagos - 'Ma wa mi wale' literally means 'Don't come looking for me at home' in Yoruba
  • No. 52 MoneyMissRoad Close, Apapa, Lagos - The name speaks for itself
  • No. 92 Omotisonu Crescent, Ojodu, Lagos - 'Omo ti sonu' means 'Child is lost' in Yoruba

I just made these up, but I know you can think up a few yourself. Try it.  There! Not so difficult.

Now, our friend does not put two and two together to figure out that he’s been had. He jubilates, freshens up and makes plans to visit Fine girl at home.

The next day, Operation: Visit Fine Girl is in full gear. He charters a taxi or okada or borrows his friend’s father’s car, and goes looking for Fine girl at any of these addresses. Let’s assume he takes a car. Of course none of the addresses exists, and eventually our friend discovers, many frustrating hours later that he is lost somewhere in Lagos.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in Lagos, Fine girl is chuckling to herself, giving the same address to another mugu.

The circle of life …

Picture via Pinterest


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Sharon Abimbola Salu
Fine Girl
Nigerian Fiction Writer
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Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu
Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu
Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu