Sep 25, 2013 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Short Stories |
I had written this story weeks ago, but just published it on Monday. So, who better to tell than you guys? 😀 Stay in Berlin is a short story set almost entirely in (yup, you guessed right) Berlin, Germany. Here is the synopsis: Remi Bajulaiye is engaged to Kayode...
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May 15, 2013 | Announcements, Non-Fiction |
Although I originally published my short story, The Last Komole, as a series here, and on NaijaStories, I understand that some people would rather read the whole thing in one place. So, for your convenience, the story is available as a PDF and in any of the e-book...
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Apr 22, 2013 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Novellas, Series |
So, on Saturday, I finally uploaded to Smashwords, the first novella in The Aso-Ebi Chronicles, a series of novellas which I had introduced here. What a mouthful. Here’s the blurb, as it reads now: Bewaji is a 24-year old woman who is hired to investigate a...
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Apr 3, 2013 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Novellas, Series |
I have been working on a series of novellas titled The Aso-Ebi Chronicles. The first novella is ready and I will share it with you soon. The series features four different women, and the mysteries they solve. If you like...
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Nov 4, 2012 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Short Stories |
Have you ever wondered what happens after someone buys a food item, just before they consume it? I do. In fact, I thought about this, and some of my thoughts formed the basis for this e-book. I know you’re probably wondering if I will ever post anything else...
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Oct 20, 2012 | Announcements, Fiction, Romance, Short Stories |
Whoa! Can you believe we are in the last three months of the year? This year has been zooming fast sha. Chai! Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far with comments on this blog and offline. I truly appreciate it! If you enjoyed reading The Piano Book,...
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Sep 23, 2012 | Announcements |
I know it has been a while since I last updated, but it was all for a good cause. I just published my first e-book: a short story called “The Piano Book.” The best part is that it is FREE, and it is available on Smashwords. Since it is an e-book, you can...
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