

What would you do if your mother or father said this to you: My dear child, Chivalry is dead? Would you believe them?  I can answer for myself.  My answer is No.  I disagree.

I have met gentlemen.  Yes, even Nigerian gentlemen.  They exist.  They may be in short supply, but they certainly exist.

Inasmuch as the world has evolved, and human behavior along with it, the world can always benefit from more gentlemen.  Why? Because you cannot talk about chivalry without talking about gentlemen/gentlemanly conduct.  The two go hand-in-hand.

Ladies love a well-dressed man (at least I do).  But, the character of a man is even more valuable than his appearance.  Beyond just opening doors for women, and being generally polite, I think we can all agree that chivalry is still necessary in today’s world.  It is certainly not dead.

Fathers teach your sons to be Gentlemen. Dear Random man, teach yourself to be a Gentleman.  It is never too late to learn.  There is an acute shortage of men who practice chivalry.  Kindly help us increase the number by adding yourself to the list. Thank you.

Picture via Pinterest


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