

Turning on a tap and watching water gush out should be perfectly natural especially in Lagos which is pretty much surrounded by water.  But for some Nigerian households, running water is a luxury they don’t enjoy.  Instead, they have to fetch water from a well every single day.

I have had my own share of fetching water from wells and I can tell you this with all sincerity: I don’t miss it.

But this post isn’t about me.  So, let’s not get carried away. 🙂

It’s about the highly plausible things you can expect to fall into a well of water on any given day.  If this has been your experience, some of these items might be familiar.  Feel free to add your own.  🙂

Let’s get to it, shall we?

No. 1 : Animals, including Pets

It is still not clear to me why animals are attracted to wells, but I have three theories:

(1) They think it’s a distant watering hole;

(2) They, like we humans, are vain and enjoy spending long hours gazing at their own reflection in the water;

(3) They want to port (like Saka in that MTN advert) to another dimension.

Of course, I can’t confirm any of these theories, because last time I checked, I didn’t have four legs.  Just two. But maybe when Bingo finds his voice, he can share his own perspective with you.

Till then sha …

Animals fall into wells.  Dogs, Cats, Lizards, Insects.  Doesn’t matter.  They all fall inside.  Is it by accident or is it deliberate?  I’ll let Fido sort this one out … Unless that Agama lizard can talk. 😀

No. 2: Jewelry, Coins and Anything that Can Sink

Pirates are busy exploring deserted islands in search of treasure.  But have they looked at the bottom of wells? Please ask them o! People go and fetch water wearing jewelry (it might be the kind of gold that turns green once it touches water, but who cares?)

I don’t have the figures to back this up, but I can bet that on any given day, there’s a family heirloom, trinket, jewel (bought, inherited or stolen) or similar item of jewelry lying at the bottom of a well.

You will notice that I added the convenient catch-all phrase, “anything that can sink” to No. 2.

There’s a good reason for that.

Any metal that can sink can find its way to the bottom of a well.  I just hope nobody is counting their money near a well.  Or do Nigerians throw coins into wells (and fountains) and make wishes the way oyinbo people do? I wonder …

No. 3: Sticks and Stones

Yes, Yes, they can break your bones, but we’re talking about wells today.  Let your bones rest.  🙂

Technically, these should have been included in # 2, but they’re here in a category by themselves because children are notorious for throwing these two objects into wells.  Or as I suspect, adults who refuse to grow up, sneak out at night, commit this atrocity and then show up the next day pointing fingers at innocent children.

The nerve!

I don’t know what they’re thinking when they throw stones into wells.

Is it that they get bored with playing ten-ten or tinko or who stole the meat from the cooking pot, and then decide, “Let’s throw stones into the well and see what happens.  Maybe the water will transform it into a skipping rope.”

I have no idea what they’re thinking, but please tell them this:

“Kids, only one thing happens when the stone hits the water: It. Will. Sink.”

No. 4: Children’s Toys

Remember that doll with one eye (that’s not how you bought it o), the one your daughter used a pair of scissors to cut her hair into “punk,” the one that’s also missing both shoes?

Ehen, that doll.

Now, you know she’s been crying and saying she can’t find it anywhere.  Just go outside and look inside the well.

Don’t worry it didn’t sink.

But now you have another problem: how do you get it out?

Which brings us to # 5.

No. 5: Gala Gala

To put it in easy to understand language, the Gala Gala, that claw-like metal object used to fetch fallen things from wells, is the Super Hero of wells everywhere.

But if you’ve watched enough movies, you’ll know that even super heroes get into tight fixes and need help too.

Once the Gala Gala shows up, automatically you hear action movie theme songs playing in the background while it gets to work.  You’ve heard it too, ba? 😉

Yes indeed, there are days when a clumsy neighbor, or even you yourself, will, just for one moment, lose your grip on the Gala Gala, and then you’ll watch helplessly as it plunges into the well.


So who rescues the Gala Gala? Another Gala Gala or a small [paint] bucket plus some special techniques, which the Guardian of the Gala Gala will be happy to share with you.  🙂

No. 6: That Plastic Bucket or Rubber Container used to Fetch Water

Usually, there’s a small plastic bucket with a strong rope attached to it, or a rubber container (usually black) also attached to a rope, that is permanently near the well.

If it is not secured properly or if it slips from your hand, it will fall into the well.

That’s usually where the gala gala comes in.

No. 7: Cell Phones, Smart Phones and Other Valuable Electronic Devices

Here’s a money-saving tip, that will also save you a lot of heartbreak and reduce the frequency of those “Why Me?” moments:

Don’t take your cell phones, smart phones, or electronic devices with you when you’re fetching water.  Unless, of course, you derive immense satisfaction from watching your iPad land in a well of water.


Some people might.

In which case, carry on.

No. 8: Clothes, Shoes and Personal Items

Angry girlfriends, wives, etc have often used wells to get back at cheating spouses.  Or people they’re angry with.  Hence the word “angry” at the beginning.  True stories abound of women (and men) throwing other people’s personal items into wells to pay them back.

I doubt that anyone would be happy to see their favorite shirt or shoes in a well.

No. 9: Human Beings

Unfortunately, people fall into wells, especially when the wells are uncovered or poorly identified.  It’s really sad.

No. 10: Food

I should blame this on children too (quite convenient), but adults are also guilty of this one.

So, what did I leave out? Can you think of anything that could fall (or has fallen) into a well? Kindly share.

*Image Credit: Pinterest

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