The Life and Times of Two Flared Nostrils: Part 3 (Final)

Black, White and Red make a nice book cover, n'est pas?

Finally, here is the concluding part of this series.  After reading, kindly share your thoughts in the comments.  Enjoy!

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“I love this woman.  My love will change her.  I just need to try harder,” he said to himself every time he wanted to leave.  And he did.  He tried to be the dutiful husband, jumping to his wife’s beck and call, no questions asked.  He had somehow convinced himself that she would change if only he did not upset her.  But no matter what he changed, Mama Joko continued to pummel him with her fists for any reason under the sun.  She did not change.

That afternoon, as he stood looking at the coffee table, a woman selling boiled corn passed by, announcing her wares: read more…

The Life and Times of Two Flared Nostrils: Part 2

Black, White and Red make a nice book cover, n'est pas?

So, after Part 1 comes (wait for it) …. Part 5! Lol! If you were nodding your head or thought that was correct … I have no words for you.

The correct answer was “Part 2.”  You’re welcome. 😉

And now for Part 2.  You can follow the series here.  Enjoy.

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Her calculations were right and within six months of their first meeting, Mr. Gbadegesin had proposed to her, declaring that she was the love of his life.  Although he was 38, he allowed his emotions to prevail over reason, especially when it came to women.  He loved Jocelyn’s cooking, the way he felt after she praised him for even the smallest thing he did (as long as she noticed it), and her confidence.

At 6′ 2” and with her athletic build, Mr. Gbadegesin literally looked up to Jocelyn.  However, he overlooked the fact that the praises she showered only came after doing what she requested such as visiting places that were of interest to her, not him.  She made decisions for both of them, without his input and certainly, regardless of his approval.  read more…

The Life and Times of Two Flared Nostrils: Part 1

Black, White and Red make a nice book cover, n'est pas?

To everyone who has read this story already (I posted it on NaijaStories and Smashwords), thanks for reading and commenting.  But if you haven’t, I will be posting it in chunks here.  For starters, here is Part 1.  Don’t forget to leave a comment. 🙂

*    *    *

There was only one thing standing between Mr. Gbadegesin and the door: a table. It was one of those low-lying wooden coffee tables that had come from someone else’s house and now housed old newspapers in the sitting room. But, Mr. Gbadegesin was not interested in the news that afternoon. His plan was to escape through the front door without waking up his wife. But that table. Very heavy object. He could not lift it off the ground. Necessity demanded that he drag it across the concrete floor, and that was certain to make a racket.

“That won’t work. Mama Joko will wake up, and then it’s all over,” he muttered to himself, wringing his little hands. read more…

The Life and Times of Two Flared Nostrils: Now on Smashwords

Black, White and Red make a nice book cover, n'est pas?

Black, White and Red make a nice book cover, n’est pas?

Happy New Month! March is here at last.  I pray this month is full of wonderful surprises for you in Jesus name.  I hope you said Amen.

To kick things off, here’s a new story I just published on Smashwords.  It’s called “The Life and Times of Two Flared Nostrils.”  I’m almost certain you can’t guess what it’s about, so let me help you out with a summary:

read more…

1, 2, 3 Disappear: Part 7 (Final)

123 Disappear Swirl Book Cover (Official) - 2

As soon as Bade saw the policemen coming from a distance, along with the men who had gone to fetch them, he abandoned his exercise.  Running towards the other two, he placed his right hand on Koko and his left hand on the accomplice, and within seconds, they disappeared into thin air.  The policemen and the other people with them were so shocked, they froze on the spot.  How were they going to arrest a man who had literally vanished before their very eyes?  read more…

1, 2, 3 Disappear: Part 6

123 Disappear Swirl Book Cover (Official) - 2

Bade laughed a warm, hearty laugh and told the man that it would not come to that.  His confidence must have reassured the man who assumed a relaxed pose and obeyed Bade’s instructions.  Bade told him to clap his hands and circle around the woman three times.  He did.  He had barely circled her the third time when he called Koko to come forward.  The animal obeyed.  Bending down momentarily to shake the animal’s hand, Bade rose with something in his hand.  It was the woman’s necklace.  He held it up to the crowd who screamed wildly and began to clap their hands.  The young woman smiled, retrieved her necklace and promptly disappeared along with her brother.  read more…


Nigerian Fiction Writer Hello, there! My name is Sharon and I am a Nigerian Fiction Writer, Taker of Pictures and Lover of Humor. Feel free to look around or say hello. I don't bite. Usually. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.



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Current Series: Darling Uloma, Love Letters from a Secret Admirer

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August Fiction Series

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Romance Series: Falling in Love With My Best Friend

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Fiction Series: The Day I Will Never Forget

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The Aso-Ebi Chronicles: A Series of Four Novellas

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With Love From Asaba

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