On the Road to Makurdi: Episode 1 (How Scrabble Saved Her Life)

On the Road to Makurdi - BBM Chat Groups


I wrote this story sometime last year, but never got round to publishing it till this year.

Here’s a summary of this rather short story:

A young man travels from Lagos to Makurdi for one purpose: to meet a young woman he has never seen before. However, a chance encounter with a stranger on his journey will change his life profoundly.

And now, for Part 1 of On the Road to Makurdi.

Enjoy! read more…

What Your Chewing Stick is Trying to Tell You and Doesn’t Want Your Toothbrush to Know


I have used a chewing stick once in my life.  Just once, as far as I can remember.  Who knows what I did before I started teething.  We shall not discuss that here.

Okay, maybe I will.  Not today, sha.  But for a small fee, I might be persuaded to …

Back to the matter.  The chewing stick matter.

Ehen, as I was saying …

I remember the taste and smell of the chewing stick.  Clearly, it was not a pleasant experience as I have not for one day in my life said to myself:

“Hmmm …. This toothbrush is not werking.  Time to switch to a more archaic tool.  Aha! I’ll use a chewing stick!”

Nope.  This has never ever happened.  And it will never ever happen.

But what if it was the other way round, and you have always used a chewing stick? What do you think your chewing stick would say to you?

Well, I imagined it and decided to share it.   read more…

What if Nigerians did not Crash Weddings?


I suppose you read the title.  Wishful thinking, ba?

From time immemorial, Nigerians have always crashed weddings.  Okay, I know “crashing” sounds like a bad word, but if you were not invited to the wedding, i.e. you did not get an invitation card, or some sort of invite, then you’re a wedding crasher.  Simple.

Yoruba people call it “Mo gbo, Mo ya,” which literally means “I heard, and I branched / stopped by,” and it applies not just to weddings, but to any kind of celebration: birthdays, house-warming, etc.  Once they hear about it, they shall be there.   read more…

PUBLISHED: Violet's Velvet Adventures, 4th and Last Novella in the Aso-Ebi Chronicles

Violet's Velvet Adventures PNG Cover_1700_2500

… And after Number 3 is Number …. Oh, I’m just itching to write 7 here.  Wait, I just did 😉

But, no that’s the wrong answer.  The correct answer is 4.  You’re welcome.

I am quite pleased to announce that the 4th (and last) novella in the Aso-Ebi Chronicles has been published and is available on Amazon for your reading pleasure. read more…


Nigerian Fiction Writer Hello, there! My name is Sharon and I am a Nigerian Fiction Writer, Taker of Pictures and Lover of Humor. Feel free to look around or say hello. I don't bite. Usually. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


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Current Series: Darling Uloma, Love Letters from a Secret Admirer

Darling Uloma: Love Letters from a Secret Admirer - Nigerian Romance Fiction Series

Dear Obajimi

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August Fiction Series

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Romance Series: Falling in Love With My Best Friend

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Fiction Series: The Day I Will Never Forget

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

The Aso-Ebi Chronicles: A Series of Four Novellas

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

With Love From Asaba

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu


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