Jun 17, 2015 | Fiction, Flash Fiction, Romance, Short Stories |
Stella strolled into the grocery store, one hand clutching the cell phone glued to her left ear, while the other hand fiddled with the contents of her handbag. Where was the list? Rummaging among receipts of past purchases and other pieces of paper, she finally...
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Jan 28, 2015 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Novellas, Romance |
… And after Number 3 is Number …. Oh, I’m just itching to write 7 here. Wait, I just did 😉 But, no that’s the wrong answer. The correct answer is 4. You’re welcome. I am quite pleased to announce that the 4th (and last) novella in the...
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Dec 3, 2013 | Fiction, Flash Fiction |
Titi stared at the bucket. It lay half-submerged in water, floating in the well. She could almost hear it taunting her, daring her to come after it. But, whatever the bucket was saying was drowned out by the voices of the other corpers behind her. One by one, their...
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Sep 25, 2013 | Announcements, Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Short Stories |
I had written this story weeks ago, but just published it on Monday. So, who better to tell than you guys? 😀 Stay in Berlin is a short story set almost entirely in (yup, you guessed right) Berlin, Germany. Here is the synopsis: Remi Bajulaiye is engaged to Kayode...
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May 1, 2013 | Fiction, Mystery, Series, Short Stories |
Komole is a Yoruba term, which literally means “bend down low.” It is the name given to a dance move that is popular in Nigeria where a person (usually a woman) progressively drops, while dancing until she is crouching low in a graceful manner, without...
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Apr 17, 2013 | Fiction, Series, Short Stories |
Komole is a Yoruba term, which literally means “bend down low.” It is the name given to a dance move that is popular in Nigeria where a person (usually a woman) progressively drops, while dancing until she is crouching low in a graceful manner, without...
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