The Sequel to Dear Obajimi is here, and it is called, Dear Morenike. If you’ve been counting down to May 27 for reasons other than a children’s day party, raise your hands … Yup! I have both hands up too. 😀
As previously announced, Dear Morenike, the sequel to Dear Obajimi was published today. It is now available.
As you might have guessed, this short story is Obajimi (the husband)’s response to his wife’s letters. Like its predecessor the previous story, Dear Morenike is an epistolary short story.
Because this is a sequel, it’s best to read Dear Obajimi first, and then come here to read the next part. That’s how sequels work.
Thank you, Captain Obvious! 😉
Here’s the synopsis:
In this sequel to Dear Obajimi, the story is told from the perspective of the missing spouse.
After receiving his estranged wife’s letters, Obajimi pens one long letter in response. His letter examines his own point of view of their marriage, dwelling on issues of identity, love, trust and commitment. Ultimately, he answers the question Morenike asked in her final letter.
Told in the voice of the husband, this letter throws more light on the challenges that threaten the fragile relationship of a young African couple.
Can there be forgiveness, healing and second chances after abandoning a spouse?
Like the first story, Dear Morenike is available for FREE as an ebook. Please download below:
Also available at these online bookstores:
Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts.
Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Children’s Day!
Wow! I am short of words to describe how I felt reading this this and how Morekine might have felt to read this. To say Obajimi is selfish and heartless is understatement. Obviously, what he said he knew he wasn’t cut out for marriage and family life for that matter why then subject the poor wife to this punishment. Yes, I say punishment because she is hurt and still hurting from his betrayal. This raises lots of questions will Morekine actually find closure from his explanation, will she ever be able to move on, or trust again?. Thank Sharon this was very captivating and interesting. I wish there is a way to find out how Morikine took it and whether it his letter helped in anyway.
Jennifer: First of all, thanks for reading and following this story. 🙂 Yes, Obajimi was selfish, but Morenike isn’t guiltless either. As I wrote this sequel, it occurred to me that there are still some outstanding questions that need answers, just like you pointed out.
Another sequel will give closure to not only Morenike, but the rest of us following her story. 🙂 If I choose to go that route, you can be sure I’ll announce it here. I really appreciate your support and I’m glad you found it captivating and interesting.
Have a great weekend!
Oh no no no
this story is going to stay with me for the longest of days.
So very well written.
Ah Morenike!, my heart and soul goes out to her
She may be not guiltless, but she still feels like a victim to me
I just want to give her a big hug
Obajimi, such callousness, all his writings and explanations feel like such flimsy excuses to me.
I do wonder how this will end up
Where will they both go from here,
Does he die a bachelor with Shade forever, then his actions will just contradict his words or does he move from from woman to woman ?
And Morenike, does that soothe her heart, does she ever trust again ?
As usual, very eloquently written ❤
Your stories always move my heart.
Dee: Been a while, ba? It’s good to see you here again. 😀
Thank you so much for the compliments. I’m glad you enjoyed the story and that it touched you enough to leave such a “loaded” comment. I particularly liked this question: “Will he [Obajimi] die a bachelor with Shade?” That would be an interesting angle to pursue considering what he has said about being commitment phobic. And what becomes of Morenike? If I choose to write a sequel to the sequel, these issues have to be addressed, abi? My stories move your heart? Awww! Your comment moved mine. 🙂