Nov 18, 2015 | General, Humor, Non-Fiction |
Turning on a tap and watching water gush out should be perfectly natural especially in Lagos which is pretty much surrounded by water. But for some Nigerian households, running water is a luxury they don’t enjoy. Instead, they have to fetch water from a...
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Oct 19, 2015 | General, Non-Fiction |
Can you guess what is better than one blog award? Two Blog Awards! Around the same time, Nedoux gave me the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award, Tendrils, a.k.a. Obianuju, also gave me one. You can imagine my joy! The song that comes to mind (even though...
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Oct 9, 2015 | General, Non-Fiction |
September was a month of surprises. One of them came from Nedoux, who gave me this blog award. How did she know I loved surprises? Thank you so much, Nedoux, for this award. I truly appreciate it. 😀 And thanks for being patient with me. I...
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Jun 15, 2015 | General, Non-Fiction, Opinion |
Quit distracting me. I am trying to write. Una no try at all. I dey try concentrate but na love inTokyo una dey do. Abi dem send you? Tell dem say I no dey house o. You no find me for house. Na write I come write. Abeg carry your romance go Wal-Mart....
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Nov 18, 2013 | General, Non-Fiction |
I heard this at a seminar I attended recently, and thought to share. William Faulkner, the American writer from Mississippi, who was also a Nobel laureate, struggled with writer’s block. But that’s not the cool part. He had two methods for overcoming the...
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Nov 1, 2013 | General, Non-Fiction |
C’est moi! Yes indeed, yours truly will be taking the 30-day blogging challenge a. k. a NaBloPoMo throughout the month of November. In case you were wondering, NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month. It’s like NaNoWriMo for bloggers. Confused...
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