Men who do not wear wedding rings will be unfaithful
In a typical wedding ceremony (traditional, white, court) the couple exchanges wedding rings. So, in our world today, one surefire way of telling if a man or woman is married, is by looking at their hands for the tell-tale sign: the ring.
Read moreWe can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps.
Greetings in your native or local language
I think bi / multilingualism is awesome, i.e. if you can speak more than one language, that’s great. Apart from English, I speak Yoruba, not as fluently as I would like. I fill in words I don’t know in Yoruba with English words, instead, so you can imagine what a conversation with me in Yoruba would sound like: read more…
Guess who is participating in NaBloPoMo?
C’est moi!
Yes indeed, yours truly will be taking the 30-day blogging challenge a. k. a NaBloPoMo throughout the month of November. In case you were wondering, NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month. It’s like NaNoWriMo for bloggers. Confused much? Hehe.
How do I feel? read more…
Haberdashery, Etc: Thank You, “The Paradise,” for the Vocabulary Lessons
I recently started following the latest Masterpiece Classic series on PBS. It is called “The Paradise” and it is based on Emile Zola’s novel, Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies’ Paradise). They’re showing Season 1 right now, but our friends in the UK have already seen it. As usual. read more…
That 'silly look' on your face while writing
Last year, while I was deeply engrossed in a piece I was writing, someone pointed out that I had this weird look on my face. Okay, fine, it was not just weird; it was silly. I never forgot it and it made me wonder: how many writers have that funny-silly look on their faces when they are writing? Apart from me, of course. I hope you’re raising your hand. Don’t make me feel like I am the only one. read more…
Read moreI nearly always write — just as I nearly always breathe.
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