We can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps.

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Greetings in your native or local language

Good Morning, Miss!

Good Morning, Miss!

I think bi / multilingualism is awesome, i.e. if you can speak more than one language, that’s great. Apart from English, I speak Yoruba, not as fluently as I would like.  I fill in words I don’t know in Yoruba with English words, instead, so you can imagine what a conversation with me in Yoruba would sound like: read more…

That 'silly look' on your face while writing


Last year, while I was deeply engrossed in a piece I was writing, someone pointed out that I had this weird look on my face.  Okay, fine, it was not just weird; it was silly.  I never forgot it and it made me wonder: how many writers have that funny-silly look on their faces when they are writing?  Apart from me, of course.  I hope you’re raising your hand.  Don’t make me feel like I am the only one. read more…

I nearly always write — just as I nearly always breathe.

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Nigerian Fiction Writer Hello, there! My name is Sharon and I am a Nigerian Fiction Writer, Taker of Pictures and Lover of Humor. Feel free to look around or say hello. I don't bite. Usually. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.



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Current Series: Darling Uloma, Love Letters from a Secret Admirer

Darling Uloma: Love Letters from a Secret Admirer - Nigerian Romance Fiction Series

Dear Obajimi

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Dear Obajimi - Epistolary Short Story

August Fiction Series

Long Loose Braid - Nigerian Fiction Writer

Romance Series: Falling in Love With My Best Friend

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Contemporary Nigerian Romance Story

Fiction Series: The Day I Will Never Forget

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

The Aso-Ebi Chronicles: A Series of Four Novellas

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

With Love From Asaba

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu


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