The Melodies of Early Morning Music

Early Morning Music

Happy Tuesday! Believe it or not, this is the last full week in February.  Where did the month go? Wouldn’t you like to know! But anyway, February is the shortest month, so we shouldn’t be surprised.  Today, we’re talking about early morning music.

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Chapter 1: The Trigger – An Excerpt from The Hairy Crown of Mr. Adesoji


Happy Thursday! Today, I will be sharing an excerpt – Chapter 1: The Trigger – from my latest e-book, The Hairy Crown of Mr. Adesoji with you.  It’s an adventure story set in a Lagos boarding school, involving three mischievous boys, one wicked teacher and the boys’ quest for revenge.  If you enjoy reading secondary school stories, this should be right up your alley.  🙂


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Are Your Memories in Color, Black and White or Sepia?


When you watch movies, sometimes there are scenes that try to capture a character’s memory.  Unless it’s one of those cerebral or sci-fi movies where the supposed memory is actually something that is going to happen in the future, the memory revolves around events that took place in the past.  To distinguish those past recollections from the other scenes in the movie, the memories might be depicted in black and white, sepia or sometimes, color.  Fuzzy color.  But those are just movies.  What about real life?  Are our memories in color, black and white or sepia?

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Why Children are Fascinated by their Neighbors’ Fruit Trees



Children are fascinated by fruit trees.  Simple.  Not flowering trees because flowers are not juicy or delicious.  But ripe fruits are.  Perhaps, it’s more accurate to say that children are obsessed with fruit trees.  Or is it the fruit trees that are obsessed with children? If they (fruit trees, not children) could talk, maybe they could make a different case, but from my perspective, kids harass fruit trees, not the other way round.

I hope.

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Nigerian Fiction Writer Hello, there! My name is Sharon and I am a Nigerian Fiction Writer, Taker of Pictures and Lover of Humor. Feel free to look around or say hello. I don't bite. Usually. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.



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Current Series: Darling Uloma, Love Letters from a Secret Admirer

Darling Uloma: Love Letters from a Secret Admirer - Nigerian Romance Fiction Series

Dear Obajimi

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Dear Obajimi - Epistolary Short Story

August Fiction Series

Long Loose Braid - Nigerian Fiction Writer

Romance Series: Falling in Love With My Best Friend

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Contemporary Nigerian Romance Story

Fiction Series: The Day I Will Never Forget

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

The Aso-Ebi Chronicles: A Series of Four Novellas

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

With Love From Asaba

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu


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