Shine Your Eye: Part 2
Many apologies for being MIA for this long. But, it was all for a good cause, i.e. writing. I’ve been working on a few stories, and needed some time off. Hope you understand. I actually finished writing the draft of this story about a month ago, but because I wrote it by hand, I am now having to type it out and edit it too. So, please bear with me.
Meanwhile, here is Part 2 of Shine Your Eye. Part 3 will be posted before the end of the week, and it will be much longer. Enjoy!
I Can’t Babysit Your Pet Goat Because … 8 Simple Reasons
When you think of pets, conventional names come to mind: dogs, cats, goldfish, etc. But, people have pet goats too. Yes, goats, those hairy, bleating, delicious animals that I find so fascinating.
I have never had to babysit anyone’s pet, but it hasn’t stopped me from compiling this list. Supposing you, the owner and lover of a pet goat (let’s call him Chewy), ask me to babysit your pet, here is my answer in advance: NO.
And here are 8 reasons why: read more…
What You Risk When You Write
Forget what you heard: Writing is hard work! I have learnt and am still learning that, but it does have its rewards … none of which I want to discuss right now. 😉
But I thought of three different things a writer (i.e. ME) risks when she writes: read more…
Shine Your Eye (A Short Story): Part 1
This story idea has been stewing in my brain (bad mental picture) for months and I decided to finally write it. I have not yet made a book cover for it, but you can be sure I will share it here when I do.
In the meantime, here’s Part 1 of the story. As always, your comments and feedback are appreciated!
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Seni stared at her brother in disbelief. The way her eyes grew wide after his words landed on her ears, he might as well have had a banana tree growing from his head. Only a boy … No. Only a man would believe such a cleverly concocted tale.
“Dele, repeat what you just told me,” she said in the same sharp tone their mother frequently used when they were children. That tone, which overshadowed a question and answer session, was the warning that came before a slap or some other form of punishment landed on the unlucky child, for an act of disobedience.
Somewhere in Dele’s brain, he noted that she was irritated with him, but he completely ignored her, choosing instead to act like she was over-reacting.
“What?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Weren’t you listening to me?” read more…
Side by Side: Tractors Deep in Conversation

What were they saying?
This is a common sight in Mississippi, especially as you drive into the Delta. Lots of open fields, and lying on those open fields are (pick one):
A. People on tanning beds, who mistook a field in Mississippi for a vacation spot
B. Tractors
C. Cows and other random farm animals
D. Critters (e.g. squirrels, and the like)
I hope you picked B, even though the rest are possibilities.
Anyway, I imagine that these two tractors had this conversation: read more…
The Largest Spoon and Fork I have ever seen!
I saw these massive pieces of cutlery (or as they say here, “silverware”) at the Blue and White Restaurant in Tunica. Of course they’re too big to actually eat with, unless you’re Goliath … or just very greedy. *belches*
But, assume for one moment you could pick five dishes to demolish with these babies, what would your list include? Here’s mine (don’t copy mine o!):
Happy Easter, Jesus is Alive!
“I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live,
even though they die;
and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.
Do you believe this?”
John 11: 25 – 26 (NIV)
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