Fellow Nigerians, the ‘H’ in ‘Honor’ is Silent


There.  I said it!  I have been itching to say this for the longest time, and apparently, the beginning of 2014 seemed like the proper time. 😉 Yes, you don’t have to spend another year making this type of mistake.

Now, I have no idea why Nigerians (or maybe I should say ‘some’ because not everyone is guilty) choose to add ‘H’ in front of ‘Honor,’ when pronouncing the word.  I have heard this mistake repeated especially in the National pledge, which has the famous lines, “To uphold her honor and glory, So help me God.”  I won’t even attempt to understand why this happens, but I suspect that the reason for this mispronunciation is the same reason behind the following unexplained ‘pronunciation’ mysteries: read more…

Without His Approval: Flash Fiction


Sister Dupe had seen Brother James many times in church.  That was not a problem.  Brother James, however, had a certain fondness for very long neck ties.  That was a problem for Sister Dupe, who could not stand this brother’s particular habit.  He wore them at every opportunity.  Church services, of course, provided the perfect opportunity to show off his latest acquisition.  But, the length of his neck tie was just one of two pressing issues Sister Dupe had with this brother.

read more…

The First Kiss: Flash Fiction


Mama Ikotun shivered as she lay on her bed.  She had been suffering from a strange ailment for six months.  The local doctor had initially diagnosed the illness as malaria.  However, as time progressed, and the drugs he prescribed did nothing to ease the pain, he had changed his story.  He was not sure what ailed her, but recommended that she should seek a second opinion.

Mama Ikotun rejected his advice, and had taken to using local herbs instead.  After all, she knew why she was ill.  read more…

What to Say When You Meet a Fawn

Mr. Tumnus et Lucy

Mr. Tumnus et Lucy

By Fawn, I am of course, referring to that mythical creature that is a half-goat, half-man (notice how I mentioned the goat part first.  That’s the interesting part.  We don’t care about the other half that’s a man).  Mr. Tumnus, from C.S. Lewis’ “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” inspired this post. read more…


Nigerian Fiction Writer Hello, there! My name is Sharon and I am a Nigerian Fiction Writer, Taker of Pictures and Lover of Humor. Feel free to look around or say hello. I don't bite. Usually. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.



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Current Series: Darling Uloma, Love Letters from a Secret Admirer

Darling Uloma: Love Letters from a Secret Admirer - Nigerian Romance Fiction Series

Dear Obajimi

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Dear Obajimi - Epistolary Short Story

August Fiction Series

Long Loose Braid - Nigerian Fiction Writer

Romance Series: Falling in Love With My Best Friend

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Contemporary Nigerian Romance Story

Fiction Series: The Day I Will Never Forget

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

The Aso-Ebi Chronicles: A Series of Four Novellas

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu

With Love From Asaba

Nigerian Fiction Writer - Sharon Abimbola Salu


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