Picture Quote: Isabel Allende on Writing
Happy, Happy Friday! I hope your week was as interesting as mine was. 🙂
As we embrace the weekend, here are some memorable words on writing, courtesy of Isabel Allende, a bestselling author and novelist:
Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia!
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Matthew 28:6 (KJV)
May the resurrection power in the blood of Jesus be evident in your life all year round in Jesus name.
Happy Easter!
The Day I Will Never Forget: eBook set in 1990s Nigeria + Book Cover Reveal
Happy Good Friday! I hope you’ve been enjoying the holidays as much as I have. 🙂
The short story I wrote in 2015, The Day I Will Never Forget is set in 1990s Nigeria and today, it’s finally an eBook. With the eBook comes a brand new book cover too. So, if you haven’t read the story before, this is your chance to immerse yourself in Ezekiel’s (and Miss Agbo’s) world for a few hours … or days. Or however long it takes you to finish it sha. Don’t worry, I won’t judge you. Hehe!
Picture Quote: Fyodor Dostoyevsky on Writing
Happy Friday! How was your week? Pleasant and eventful hopefully. Today is exactly one week to Good Friday. Yes o, Easter is almost upon us. And to think Shrove Tuesday was just a few weeks ago. Time waits for no man, I tell you.
Episode 1, Dear Obajimi: Morenike’s First Letter is One of Many
Welcome to the last week of March! Dear Obajimi was published as an eBook at the beginning of this month? Today, I’ll be sharing the first letter, which is also the first chapter titled One of Many. If you haven’t read the story, it’s still available for free.
Here’s the summary:
After the mysterious disappearance of her husband, a woman writes a series of letters in a desperate attempt to make sense of the calamity of a missing spouse. These letters provide insight into the life the couple lived before Obajimi’s disappearance and the hurricane of changes that occur while the Police investigate. By the last letter, will she discover what happened to her husband?
Now, let’s see why Morenike, the writer, captions her first letter, One of Many.
Picture Quote: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Happy Friday (or Saturday, depending on your time zone). I hope you had a fulfilling week. To end the week, I decided to share this picture quote by the famous novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald:
Writing is like Pumping Water After Midnight
Growing up in Lagos changes the way you view the world. For me, it has fundamentally colored and shaped the way I analyze things. So, it’s only natural that a discussion on writing will start from an experience set nowhere else but Lagos.
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